Welcome to the home of Fuelsaver and Morepower

Products that not only save you money, but also help the environment.
Hiclone helps improved economy, increased power, reduced engine emissions & noise, and it is easy to install. It has been on sale in Australia since 1989, and is the only fuel saving system to be copied by car manufacturers. Works for any combustion engines-Petrol, Diesel, LPG, Carburettor, EFI, Turbo, Super-charger, 2 stroke, 4 stroke... with a 30-day Money Back Guarantee.
ITG air filter is "The Best Air Filter Ever Made" - that's what our customers say. Three different size micron filter layers of protections for your engine. Standard surface filters rely on the material only 0.5mm thickness of filter material while ITG heavy duty depth filtraton provides upto 30mm of engine protection, allowing them to cope with five times more dust than any other filter and still maintain superior flow. And we also custom made them too. Flows so well, they are used by over half of the Formula 1 teams.
MP tuning box is the most advanced and sophisticated electronic tuning system in Australia. Now available for Petrol engines too. We have many different styles including multi function tuning systems, unlike other tuning brands on the market with only one method of tuning, which allows us to supply you the best tuning system to suit your vehicle and your application.
Xenon lights upto 3 times more light and range with two-third of power used by halogen light. Reduce driver fatigue and eye-strain caused by poor visibility during night driving. With a frction of the price of genuine factory fitted Xenon. Replacement light bulbs for factory Xenon. Better Visibility = Safer Driving.
LED lights No other form of lighting other than LED can produce so much light from so little power and not generate heat. Fuelsaver LEDs are inexpensive cool-runing, single sealed light bulbs, designed to be a plug-in replacement for your existing light bulbs with no hidden installation costs. For all home and office applications. NO toxic mercury in LED light.
Hiclone Pty Ltd trading as "Fuelsaver" and "Morepower" is an Australian company based in Melbourne, that has been involved in the automotive industry for over 20 years. We provide technical service to mechanical businesses throughout Australia.
For more information please browse our Online Shop or contact us.