
Air Filter Foam - 3 small pieces 25, 60 & 80ppi

3 Pieces of Foam in Coarse, Medium & Fine (25, 60 & 80ppi). Each sheet approx. 45cm x 10cm each

We keep 3 grades of Petrol Resistant Reticulated Polyester air filter foam available for retail sale:

25ppi - coarse - pre-cleaner only

60ppi - medium - filter foam

80ppi - fine - filter foam

All are 15mm thick and also available in sheets 1.5m x 0.45m

These are only sold in Black colour. It is the pigment used to create colours in foam which cause them to break down. Black is pure and contains no pigments.

Can be safely washed in BP or Shell 91 octane Petrol.

Many people sell Polyurethane Foam which is commonly used in cushions, but this crumbles & falls apart when exposed to petroleum products. Reticulated Polyester is a stronger more resilient material - some of our filters are now 18 years old & still working.

Price of this Ebay listing includes 1 piece of Each Grade of Foam (3 pieces Supplied) - Coarse, Medium & Fine foam in size 0.45 x 0.10m aprox, (45cm x 10cm)